In technology class we did a project called Genius Hour. We were supposed to briefly research on a topic and then present our research to our peers. What topic did you research in Genius Hour? For this project I chose the topic of school, What was your Research Question? My research question was “Our Educational System V.S Finnish Educational System.” Why did you choose it? I chose to work on this topic because I am not a big fan of the international educational system. I wanted to show my classmates that there are experts that believe in this same idea. I also wanted to show them that there are some countries that have started to make changes, in this case Finland. You cam check out my last blog on “Why I Despise School” if you want to know more of my opinion on this topic. What did you learn? From my research I learned that this issue in not “invisible.” This issue known but there is nothing being done about it in most countries. I also learned that Finland had the highest scores in the World after changing their educational system. Their educational system includes the following

  • homework can only take them from zero to 20 minutes
  • School takes the children about 20 hours a week
  • no standardized tests

I was shocked after finding out that they basically lived in paradise. Checkout this video in which the Finnish and the US educational system are being compared; did that help you grow as a person or a student? As a person I now know that I would rather live in Finland than the US. This helped me consider other schools to go to in college. How did what you learn help (the world, community, animals, etc.) in some way? Explain. The knowledge I learned can help the world in multiple ways. For example;

  • schools can be open to new ideas
  • student would stop suffering from this doomed system
  • the world would be a happier and more interesting place for kids and students.

How will what you learn in the next Genius Hour help the world, community, yourself, animals, etc. in some way? Explain. I am not really sure of what my next topic will be. However I believe the point will be the same as this one. Which is to educate people about a certain topic. It might affect the World deeply or not, I am not sure. The Finnish Educational system should show the World that a difference can be made.

Check out my presentation:

Works Cited

I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!! By Prince Ea. Dir. Joel Bergvall and Joe Lombardi. Adapt. Hodja Berlev. Prod. Spencer Sharp. I JUST SUED THE SCHOOL SYSTEM !!! N.p., 26 Sept. 2016. Web.

Next School. “6 Problems with Our School System.” Youtube. N.p., 15 Dec. 2016. Web.

Should The World Adopt Finland’s Education System? Should The World Adopt Finland’s Education System? N.p., 8 Nov. 2015. Web.

“How to improve our education system.” Age [Melbourne, Australia], 25 Mar. 2017, p. 26. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, n Accessed 18 Oct. 2017.

“SOCIAL CLIMBER; Finland has remade its education system, helping kids like Lara Osman – born to poor, immigrant parents – grow up to be middle-class success stories. Doug Saunders reports.” Globe & Mail [Toronto, Canada], 23 Apr. 2016, p. F1. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 18 Oct. 2017.






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